It will be nice that we can set http proxy for “RSS Feed Reader” as we can do for “HTTP Request”.
it is so crucial for servers that has not direct access to the internet, and they the access to the internet via http or sock5 proxy.
It sounds like that for this use case a global proxy setting for n8n would make the most sense rather than having to set it on each node again and again separately.
yes Exactly.
Is it feasible to implement?
Yes, should probably not be to complicated.
I am reopening this discussion.
I can’t find how to do that.
I set in the bash
export HTTP_PROXY='' && export HTTPS_PROXY=''
It’s working for cURL in the bash but not for n8n.
Did I missed something ?
An feature request was made for adding general proxy settings : How to add credential to proxy parameters for all nodes?