Arranging workflows in folders

Here you go: Workflows in folders by romainminaud · Pull Request #7502 · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub

Definitely very WIP but the basis is here.

Beware this has impact on the database (adding a new table for the folders & a column on the workflow table to map it)


You are the man. This is awesome and should be merged imho.

FYI all we are currently aware of this contribution and assessing effort to get this merged into n8n. Nice one @romainmnd :clap:


Very nice that there is progress on the possibility of arranging workflows in folders.

It’s my biggest painpoint when working with n8n currently ^^

Pretty sure you could turn it into a chrome extension no ?

I tried myself but I am not a developper at all.

Our savior!

On a more serious note, this solves a need a lot of users have, thanks for pushing through this feature request

Why you close the branch?

A closed PR doesn’t mean the feature isn’t coming, We have a branch we are working from to bring this in.


Hello everyone,

After reviewing the PR, it’s become clear that integrating this feature into n8n will require more work than initially anticipated. This means, regrettably, I can’t provide a specific timeline right now for when folders will be available.

We fully recognize that this feature is a significant need for many of you, and we’re committed to addressing it. However, given our current team size and other ongoing priorities, it’s challenging to allocate the necessary resources immediately.

Please know that your feedback and needs are heard, and they play a crucial role in our development process. We’re actively exploring ways to make this feature a reality and will keep you updated on our progress.

Thanks again to @romainmnd for the fantastic effort in contributing a PR for the folders feature in n8n.



Thanks for the heads-up!

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we really require this feature, I hope we get this feature as soon as possible

Organizing workflows is just like organizing files and folder is very helpful for this.

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This is just a workaround, but it’s possible to filter for tags, sort the workflows, etc. Get your list how you want it, then open a workflow in a different tab. If I need another flow opened, back to the first tab and open that workflow. Bonus, if I want a different sort/view, I can build that in a different tab and have both views open.

This preserves the list we’ve painstakenly built, and let’s us edit.

I hope this helps someone.

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This will help a lot here, as I can’t efficiently organize workflows with tags.


+1 for this feature, lost in a sea of workflows :sweat_smile:


Absolutely need a folder feature, it’s just a mess with tags once you have over 100 workflows.


I’m aware you said the team will keep the community updated, but we haven’t heard about it in a while.

Any news/ongoing progress on this topic?

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Hey @Loan_J,

before we can kick of the work on folders, we need to finish the work on advanced permissions which will lay the fundamentals of the architecture for folders and will enable users to create spaces/teams already. We’re planning to have the permissions work finished this quarter and will then likely follow up with folders next quarter. We’re trying our best to deliver these features as quickly as possible, but please don’t take these time estimates as promise as product work can always have unwanted suprises :slight_smile:

Hope this help!



Would be nice if we were able to see the folder’s items on the left ribbon in the editor. Something like that:


Throwing my hat in here as well—this is a major enough gap that we may have to move off the platform if not resolved. We’re amassing so many automations that an inability to organize them more clearly has become a significant business risk.

Happy to help however I can—love n8n otherwise.