ERPNext integration problem with "Contact Email"

Hi, I think that ERPNext integration needs to be updated to persist correctly contacts emails.

When i try to send data to the “Contact” doctype, the “Email Adress” field wont write to my ERPNext instance (without errores). I have read in the ERPNext forums, that you need to create a “Contact Email” doctype entry first, but when i try to do that with N8N, im getting:

404 - {“exc_type”:“DoesNotExistError”,"_server_messages":"["{\“message\”: \“DocType None not found\”, \“indicator\”: \“red\”, \“raise_exception\”: 1}"]"}

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Welcome to the community @lpadula

Sadly the ERPNext documentation is very poor, and I could never figure why it worked for some doctypes, and others did not. Perhaps it’s something with ERPNext configuration?

I searched in their community and found the links below. Perhaps they help.

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I’m currently facing the same issue.

@lpadula Have you been able to come up with a solution for this?


“Contact Email” is a child doctype so you should include it in the Contact doctype but n8n seems to have problems with child doctypes.

I can help you with that. You can’t manage it with some doctypes because child doctypes can’t be inserted via API directly.

They don’t have API or security features. Only their parents have it. The problem is we can’t use child data on parent doctype with n8n.