How to set default “Error Workflow” for new workflows

By the way, in default settings, I want to set general “Error Workflow”.
Could I set default “Error Workflow” by any environment variable?

I can’t see an option here: Environment Variables | Docs to set an error workflow from the environment variables… I suspect this could be because it wouldn’t exist on a new install so could cause all sorts of problems.

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I think an option for default node for error is nessesary.
Error notification is very important, but I usually forgot to set it for new workflow.

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Yeah a global setting somewhere would be handy I am just not sure an env var is the way to handle it.

Hey @cmdntd987,

Thank you for creating the Feature Request. I can see how this can be helpful. I don’t think there is an env available.

Do upvote the request!

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Hope this will be merged :sweat_smile:


In my case it would be a default error workflow per account, as one account represents an organization unit :slight_smile:

Hello, reviving this topic to know if this feature can be developed still.
Tried updating all my workflows using the n8n node but sadly it doesn’t give the Error Workflows options =(

This would be a helpful feature for us as well, we typically turn on the error workflow for all workflows by default

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Any updates on this at all?

Hey @Josh_Sorenson,

Nothing that I have seen in planning meetings recently but I still think this would be a good idea for the future.

I can’t believe this hasn’t been fixed yet. Regardless, here’s a workaround:

Do you consistently forget to set a Default Error Workflow when creating new workflows? Then this helper workflow is for you!

When activated, this helper workflow will:

  • Scan ALL other workflows every 4 hours
  • Make sure ALL workflows have a default error workflow set (based on what Workflow ID you provide)
  • This helper will SKIP OVER any workflows that have the default_error:false tag set (make sure your default error workflow has the default_error:false tag set, so that you don’t end up with recursive loops during errors)

Setup Nodes:

  • Once imported, edit the Set Vars node with your default_error_workflow_id value.
  • If you want to change the default_error:false tag to some other tag name, you can do so here as well.
  • You need to update the Set Default Error Workflow node with your PostgreSQL credentials to access the n8n database.

This workflow has been published here, also: