Missing custom fields in Active Campaign node

Hi there,

I’m currently testing n8n - hopefully to handle our marketing automations in the future :slight_smile:

One of the big use cases we have is with Active Campaign. Looking at the Active Campaign node, it looks like some custom fields are missing. We have around 50 custom fields setup in our account - however, only 15 or so pop up in the drop down list when creating a contact:

Has anyone else had the same problem?


Welcome to the community @djmcfet!

Can you please hover over the red icon on the right side of the field. It should then tell you why it did not load them.

Thanks Jan! Also for the super quick reply

I get this error. Looks for the empty input field, rather than missing custom fields


Aren’t you getting anything when clicking on Drop Down?

Because I’m also using same. Works fine for me.

I’m getting some of the custom fields - around 15, but not all of them (we have about 50 total).

I just looked in the documentation of the endpoint we are using:

Sadly does it not mention how many it returns by default. But is possible that it is 15. This means probably that we should add a limit parameter just to be sure.

How do you run n8n?

Hmm that might explain it then. Unfortunately, it won’t let me enter the field ID - only select an option from the dropdown.

At the moment, just testing locally with your localtunnel setup

If you have docker installed you can try with the following command:

docker run -it --rm \
	--name n8n \
	-p 5678:5678 \
	-v ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n \
	n8nio/n8n:nightly \
	n8n start --tunnel

That one includes the fix. So you can see if it works or not.

Thanks Jan. I’m new to Docker. I ran the above command but I got this error:

UserSettings got generated and saved to: /home/node/.n8n/config
There was an error initializing DB: SQLITE_CANTOPEN: unable to open database file

Stopping n8n…

I guess I have missed something on the set up, but would be great help if you could point me in the right direction :slight_smile:

Can you try with:

docker run -it --rm \
	--name n8n \
	-p 5678:5678 \
	-v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
	n8nio/n8n:nightly \
	n8n start --tunnel

If that does not work try to run the following first:

chmod -R 777 ~/.n8n
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Awesome, it’s working now

And your Active Campaign fix has worked too - I now can see the complete list of custom fields in the drop down.

Thanks a lot!

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That is great to hear! Have fun!

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