Suggestion/Feature Request: Enable logstash as a node/module

Logstash as a node

After working with logstash for past few years, it is one of the best tools I’ve ever worked with. The flexibility to collect data from 100’s of devices, transform to any level and output/integrate to 100’s of devices will help n8n to have excellent flexiblity (at input, transformation & output stages)

My use case:

Logstash brings collection and scalability to a different level.

  • Input plugins : can integrate to event buses, any files, cloud-events, tcp, syslog … almost 100’s of out-of-box options
  • Transformation plugins: Again any level of aggregation and transformation filters
  • Output Plugins: Can output or integrate to any type of devices

I think it would be beneficial to add this because:

Logstash can act as one-stop-shop and can be used as node of last resort

Are you willing to work on this?

I’m not sure how to create a node with logstash, but once that’s done I can help in writing filters or logic examples to get it going

Hey @getk,

That isn’t a bad idea, don’t forget to click the vote button to make it count.