Todoist Integration [GOT CREATED]

Todoist has a great API to exploit. I would consider participating to this integration but not sure yet where I will find the time.

@jan is it someone working on this? I would like to do this node.

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@RicardoE105 Wow you are on a roll :wink: No are not aware of anybody working on it. It would be best to open a WIP pull-request so that it is clear for everybody that somebody is working on it already. Thanks a lot!

I did also update the title here that people can see that it is being worked on.

@clempat what use case are you looking to use exactly? create a new task maybe?

Yes create a task is the must have. Thanks :blush:

@clempat perfect, I did it yesterday waiting for @jan to test it and merge it, probably he would let you know here when is released.

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Yes, try my best to check and merge tonight.

@RicardoE105 Thanks a lot for your work! It got merged and will try to release a new version of n8n later today.


Released n8n:0.34.0 which includes the Todoist integration