Problem updating status of a Lead with Salesforce connector


Describe the issue/error/question

I tried to use the Salesforce “Update Object” node with the options to update a Lead.

When I try to update the status of the lead the value in salesforce after the workflow is not what I wanted to update (For example status “New” but it is an ID that looks like a salesforce ID) so in salesforce now my status is wrong.

When I pasted the code copied from n8n editor I can see that the status is an ID and not a text, when I update via API the status I put a text and not the id of the status (since it is a list there is an ID for it).

Thanks a lot in advance for you answers !

Please share the workflow

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: [email protected]
  • Database you’re using (default: SQLite): Default
  • Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]:
  • Running n8n via [Docker, npm,, desktop app]:


Added a screenshot of the list of status I have access even if it is an ID.

Hi @antoine-libeo, welcome to the community and I am sorry to hear you’re having trouble.

I gave updating the status a go on my end and could now see the problem. I’ll add this to our internal bug tracker for a closer look by the engineering team.

Hi @MutedJam,

You can see the problem in the example flow I copy pasted you see that the node have the ID of the status and not the status itself.

This is a screenshot of our config in salesforce where you can see two new status added which looks like IDs.

As a reference I also use a connected app and this is the way I update the status : "status": "Ready To Contact", I wonder why it is replaced by an ID in the workflow ?

Is there a way to see the ETA for this node ?

In the mean time I created a custom API to update the Salesforce Status.

Hi @antoine-libeo, I don’t have an update yet I am afraid. This issue is currently with our product team awaiting prioritization, perhaps @Nivb_6 already has an idea of when this can be looked at?

Hey @antoine-libeo,

This is next on my list to look into, I have just taken a quick look and it looks like it should be a fairly quick fix but I will need to do some testing just to make sure it doesn’t break anything else.

Hey @antoine-libeo,

Fix for this issue has been submitted and should be available soon.

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Hey @Jon ,

Thanks a lot for your reactivity and for keeping me updated !
I’ll be happy to use it anytime this is available :slight_smile:

Got released with [email protected]

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